If you are aged 19 and over you could get a Level 3 qualification fully funded through the Free Courses For Jobs. This offer is also available to adults in England who earn less than the National Living Wage annually (£18,525) or who are unemployed. This is regardless of your prior qualification level.
This offer is part of the government’s long-term commitment to help everyone gain skills for life. Short or online courses are also available, to support adults to get the skills they need to boost their careers.
The eligible courses offer progression within specific industries and address skills required for the local and national labour markets. By boosting the supply of skills that employers require, this guarantee allows us to offer a range of courses to any adult meeting the eligibility criteria.
The Level 3 qualification is fully funded if you are 19 or over and do not already have a level 3 qualification or higher.
If you already have a level 3 qualification or higher, but you earn below the National Living Wage annually (£18,525 from April 2022) or are unemployed, you can also access these qualifications for free. This is regardless of any qualifications you already have.
Have legal right to live and work in the UK
To complete an initial Assessment session
An Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) meeting with one of our advisors
Assessment interview with course tutor.
Courses are available in a variety of subjects and lengths at MI Skills Computsolutions.